Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Learning at Home for Wednesday, April 1

Learning at Home for Wednesday, April 1

*You should have received an email with information for Thursday afternoon's Zoom Meeting at 1 pm. If you did not receive the invitation/information, please let me know!

Joke of the Day: How does the Easter Bunny keep his fur neat? With a hare brush!

Wednesday's Plan:*No photo needed today!
   1)      Learning Mat Activities for Week 3 Wednesday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. This can be done on scrap paper, the back of another paper, on a whiteboard or chalkboard, etc.


    2)      Listen to my Read Aloud: Ordinary Mary's Extraordinary Deed and find the page for this book in the Reading Response packet. Answer the questions out loud with a grownup and have your grownup record your answers on the page.



   3)      Phonics Lesson 104: Listen to the Phonics Lesson Video and follow along (no worksheet)
   4)      Science: Learning about Fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJN3gJoZqlY
   5)      Faith Formation: Listen to today’s Devotions and watch this video about Palm Sunday:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTmbTuutBgg

Monday, March 30, 2020

Learning at Home for Tuesday, March 31

Learning at Home for Tuesday, March 31

Thank you to all who completed my little survey this weekend! Survey results show that many are interested in a Zoom meeting. For those who haven't heard of Zoom, it is a video conferencing app where I can invite participants at a particular time and we will "meet" live and have time to connect.
I will be sending info out tonight for a Zoom Meeting for kindergarten students on Thursday at 1 pm. I know this time will not work for everyone(future meetings will be at other times of the day). 

This meeting is COMPLETELY optional. If you are available, please set your child up with a phone, ipad, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. You will click the link I send you for our meeting. You may need to download the app ahead of time. Please remind your child (especially those using phones/tablets) that they should stay seated during the meeting for optimal viewing. I will start the meeting with students muted, but they will be able to hear me. I plan on just a short meeting, probably about 20 minutes or so. 
Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we navigate these new paths!

Tuesday's Plans:
**Please send a picture of Math Lesson (Activity #4) today!

1) Learning Mat Activities for Week 3 Tuesday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. The writing can be done on scrap paper, the back of another paper, on a whiteboard or chalkboard, etc.

2) Listen to my Read Aloud: There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick
3) Handwriting Packet – Letters E & F
4) Math Page – Lesson 111: Counting Numbers to 30 (find the worksheet for Lesson 111)
5) Listen and interact with today’s Phonics Lesson (no worksheet)
5) Listen to Jack Hartmann song – Digraphs(yes, again!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK8_Tvu6bJk&t=56s
6) Listen to today’s Devotions

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Learning at Home for Monday, March 30

Learning at Home for Monday, March 30
**Please send me a picture of Reading Response (Activity #2)
If you haven't taken the survey I sent on Saturday, please take a moment to do so! Your feedback is very helpful in planning your child's instruction. Learning at Home Survey

How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?

1) Learning Mat Activities for Week 3 Monday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. The writing can be done on scrap paper, the back of another paper, on a whiteboard or chalkboard, etc.

2) Listen to my Read Aloud: Planting a Rainbow. Find the Reading Response page for Planting a Rainbow. Answer the prompt: “In my garden, I would plant ____”

3) Phonics page: Read and Match! Read the words on each box. Cut the pictures from the bottom of the page. Match the picture with the correct word and glue in place.

4) Listen to today’s Devotions

5) Spanish with Senora Phillips: https://youtu.be/6e8dOk1ttj4

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Learning at Home for Friday, March 27

Learning at Home for Friday, March 27
1)      Learning Mat Activities for Week 2 Friday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. This does not need to be written today!

2)      Writing Journal – find a blank page and write on this topic: Go outside and write about the sounds that you hear. What signs of Spring do you see?
3)   Read Aloud - Guest Reader: Ainsley If You Give a Moose a Muffin
4)      Math Worksheet: Color It! Color the Correct number of cubes.

5)       Reading and Writing Worksheet

6)      Science: listen to the living things song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzN299RpJHA
7) Listen to our Devotions

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Learning at Home for Thursday, March 26

Learning at Home for Thursday, March 26
**Please send me a picture of Activity #3 (math lesson 110 side B) when complete
1)      Learning Mat Activities for Week 2 Thursday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. The writing portion can be done in your Writing Journal


2)      Listen to my Read Aloud – The Monster at the End of This Book
3)      Math Lesson 110A & B - Watch my video HERE and complete the rest on your own!
4)      Science – Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy60BqCnTG4&t=220s
5)      Handwriting Pages – C & D
6)      Listen to Today’s Devotions

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Learning at Home for Wednesday, March 25

Learning at Home for Wednesday, March 25
*Please take a picture of Activity #3 - The Phonics Read and Match - and send that picture to me when you get a moment.

My prayers are with all of you for your health and safety during these uncertain times. If you have a specific prayer request, please let me know. This prayer was on the YouVersion App today, and I thought I'd share. YouVersion is an app that has daily devotions, prayers, and bible study. There are tons of different devotions for individuals, families, etc.

Here is our plan for Wednesday:

1) Learning Mat Activities for Week 2 Wednesday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. This can be done on scrap paper, the back of another paper, on a whiteboard or chalkboard, etc.

2) Listen to my Read Aloud: Pig the Pug Complete Reading Response

3) Phonics page: Read and Match! Read the words on each box. Cut the pictures from the bottom of the page. Match the picture with the correct word and glue in place.

4) Sight Word Worksheet: We

5)  Listen to today’s devotion: Wednesday Devotion

6) Music with Mrs. Bante:
      Hello K-2 Families!!!

I MISS YOU! I pray you're all staying safe. During this time we aren't in school, you will not be graded in anything for music class, but I will still be sending videos just so we can still interact. In this video I will be talking about pitch, which is HIGH and LOW sounds. Pardon the fact that I have no make up on and look exhausted :) 
Love and miss you all and can't wait to see you again!
Mrs. Bante


Monday, March 23, 2020

Learning at Home for Tuesday 3/24/20

Learning at Home for Tuesday, March 24 
*No Pictures needed today*
I will be sending out info on RAZ Kids in the next day or so - keep an eye out for that!

1) Learning Mat Activities for Week 2 Tuesday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. The writing can be done on scrap paper, the back of another paper, on a whiteboard or chalkboard, etc.

2) Listen to my Read Aloud – A Good Day  Guest Reader: Keane. No Reading Response paper today.

3) What’s in your NAME? Sheet **

4) Math Page – Lesson 109 (both sides) Grab your crayons, watch the video, and complete this with me!**

5) Listen to Jack Hartmann song on Digraphs here: Digraphs Song

6) Listen to today’s devotion Tuesday Devotions

**If you’ve already completed one or both of these pages, then practice thinking of a word that starts with EACH letter of the alphabet. Try to think of one that is NOT our keyword on our alphabet posters in the classroom!

Info on the (optional!) Extra Activities that came home with your student last week

If you still need info on getting your free ABC Mouse account, let me know!


Google doc including multiple resources

Our family’s daily schedule - it definitely helps to keep the kids on a schedule!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Learning at Home Monday, March 23

Learning at Home for Monday, March 23

1) Learning Mat Activities for Week 2 Monday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. The writing can be done on scrap paper, the back of another paper, on a whiteboard or chalkboard, etc.

2) Listen to my Read Aloud.  Never Let a Unicorn Scribble Complete “My Favorite Part” worksheet in the Reading Response packet

3) Phonics page: Read and Match! Read the words on each box. Cut the pictures from the bottom of the page. Match the picture with the correct word and glue in place.

4) Listen to today’s devotion: Devotions for Monday

5) Senora Phillips has Spanish for us today! This message is from her:

¡Hola clase! I miss you! Here is a video I made just for you! Parents, feel free to pause so your kids can interact with me and answer questions. 

Here are some links to other songs we sing and love in Spanish class.  The family one is my favorite.  Your children sing it so well! 

God's blessings to you all!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Learning at Home for Friday, March 20

Learning at Home for Friday, March 20

I'd love to connect with your student sometime soon. There is a great app called Marco Polo that allows people to send short video messages. It is very easy to use! Both of my kids have used it to send messages to friends, and I would love to have messages from your kids that I can respond to and send messages back! They can say hi, show me something they're working on, the fort they built, share a prayer request, etc. Once you download the app, look for me: Andrea Gastmeier, 586-322-7751. 

Friday's jobs:
1) Learning Mat Activities for Week 1 Friday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. They will need help with the ch, sh, and th blends on the last 3 words on the ELA section

2) Listen to my Read Aloud here:Story: Wemberly Worried   Complete “My Favorite Part” page in Reading Response packet by drawing a picture of your favorite part and writing a caption to describe the picture.

3) Writing Journal page. Write 2 sentences to describe what you see in the picture. Kid spelling is fine! Encourage them to sound out their words independently, and don't forget to capitalize only the first word and add punctuation!

4) Math - Count with me in this video:Kindergarten Counting
Then sing along with our counting numbers song here: Spelling Numbers with Dr. Jean

5)Faith Formation -Listen to today’s devotion: Friday’s devotion

When completed, take a picture of Activity #2 and send it to me - thank you!
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, prayer requests, etc.
My next email/posting will not be until Sunday evening with Monday's assignments - enjoy a peaceful weekend!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Learning at Home for Thursday, March 19

Learning at Home for Thursday, March 19

First of all - you guys are amazing! You've all done a fantastic job of making the best of this unexpected situation. 
Second - I apologize for the sound quality on a couple of my videos. I'm still figuring out what is working and what will work better.
Third - I apologize that you have to hear me sing! LOL!!! Bear with me here; I am used to only 5 and 6 year olds having to hear me sing!

Here is what we have for tomorrow:

1) Learning Mat Activities for Week 1 Thursday. There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity. The math part can be done on scrap paper, the back of another paper, on a whiteboard or chalkboard, etc. The ELA part (informational writing about watermelons) can be completed in their writing journal. There is also the “tic-tac-toe” grid on the bottom corner to complete throughout the week. Choose any 3 in a row to complete, or do more of them if you’d like!

2) Listen to my Read Aloud. No Reading Response today – listen just for fun! Nibbles the Book Monster

3) Letter Recognition – watch the video and read the letters and sounds with me! Letter Practice

4) Goods and Services Sort – watch the video here:

5a)Faith Formation – watch the video for instructions to put the Lord’s Prayer book together (this is totally optional, they're kind of a pain!!)How to Fold a one page mini book
OR just cut apart and staple together in order OR just leave it as is!
5b) Listen to today’s devotion: Devotions for March 19

Please send a picture of the Goods and Services Sort when completed!

Have a great day and as always - text, email, etc if you have any questions!

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Learning at Home for Wednesday, March 18

Learning at Home for Wednesday, March 18

1) Learning Mat Activities for Week 1 Wednesday (You can complete Monday and Tuesday activities if you’d like to). There is a Math activity and an ELA (English/Language Arts) activity each day.

These can be done on scrap paper, the back of another paper, on a whiteboard or chalkboard, etc. There is also the “tic-tac-toe” grid on the bottom corner to complete throughout the week. Choose any 3 in a row to complete, or do more of them if you’d like!

Examples of completed work:

2) Listen to my Read Aloud.  Ralph Tells a Story
Find the page titled "Ralph Tells a Story" in the Reading Response packet and write your own story. It can be about ANYTHING! Draw a picture to go with it! 

3) Handwriting Packet – complete letters A and B

4) Faith Formation – Color the Lord’s Prayer paper and practice saying it on your own

Monday, March 16, 2020

Learning at Home Update

Thank you all for your prayers today.  I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you and your patience, prayers, and willingness to jump into this together.

Today, I spent my day meeting with the other Trinity teachers. After meeting together, we came up with a plan for what our teaching and learning will look like in the coming weeks. I’d like to share what that will look like for kindergarten. 

Kindergarten will focus on Faith Formation, Reading (phonics), Math, Writing, Handwriting, and a bit of Science/Social Studies. We will not have every subject every day.  I will be sharing a daily read aloud like the video I shared yesterday. Most of these will be me reading, but some will be of others reading. We will also have a daily devotion or Faith Formation activity for your family to complete together.

I will send you my first ‘official’ YouTube instruction video tomorrow by 6 p.m. to be implemented on Wednesday, March 18.  This will become our daily pattern.  I will send material to you by 6 p.m. to be used the following day. You may contact me with questions or concerns via text or email. Information will also be posted on the blog, tctkindergarten.blogspot.com

When these assignments are completed will look different for each family.  I will give you a plan for each weekday, but you may desire to work on the weekend as your family schedule allows or you may choose to keep up with my daily schedule during the week.  I promise to be flexible and understanding as we work around work schedules and life as we have not known it before.

Tuesday Plan
1) Send me a pic of your reading response from yesterday’s assignment
2) Watch for your next assignment by 6 pm tomorrow evening.

Please see the attached file for information on a FREE ABC Mouse account. They have generously made these accounts free for the duration of school closures. This website is completely optional. ABC Mouse offers fun and educational learning activities.

The Social Studies Fair has been cancelled.  We are going to put our project away for now. If your child would like to complete their Uncle Sam project, they are welcome to, but it is no longer required.  I love how the class was so excited to share their projects! They may bring their completed project to school when we return, but again, this is optional.

The Jimmy Johns Reading Program for the month of March is still on until we hear otherwise! Please hold on to the bookmarks until we return to school.

Thanks again for all the prayers,
Mrs. Gastmeier

Learning at Home Monday 3/16/20

Hello Kindergarten Families!
While we're in the midst of these uncertain times, we will do the best we can to carry on with learning. I will communicate via email with necessary links. We will have daily assignments. I understand that some families may not be able to complete these on the day assigned, but please help your student keep up with classroom assignments.
Learning at Home for Monday, March 16:
1) Listen to the following story on YouTube: A Bad Case of Stripes
2a) Reading Response pages: My Favorite Foods - students will fill in each of the 6 bubbles with a favorite food. Encourage them to sound out their word. "Strawberries" might be sounded out like "strobarez" and that is great for kid-writing! They will then choose one of these foods to write 2 sentences: "My favorite food is ___. It is ____." Encourage spaces between words, punctuation at the end, and proper capitalization.
2b) Reading Response pages: ___ has a bad case of stripes! Students will color/decorate their person (there is a boy page and a girl page in the packet) in a creative way.
3) Choose 2 pages from the stapled packet of math and phonics worksheets
4) Faith Formation: Say the Lord's Prayer together as a family. We were working on learning this before this hiatus. Many know it already!

Please send a picture of your child's work from part 2a. You may email it, text it to me at (586)322-7751, send it via Remind App, or send it via Facebook Messenger.
Please let me know if you have any questions! I will be at Trinity all day tomorrow and again on Tuesday for sure, but will be available by text or email all week.
If you are unable to pick up your child's work packet from Trinity, please let me know and I will drop them off at your door.
Thank you for being your child's first at most important teachers! We will make it through this together! Please give your child a BIG hug and love from me!
Mrs. Gastmeier

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Snowball Fight!

Kindergarten came in 2nd place in the Snowball Fight Boxtop Contest, and today we got to participate in this fun event with the second graders who placed 1st! It was a BLAST!
The pictures are a blurry mess, but I hope you can see the FUN they had with this!

Thankfulness Drive

 Today, we gathered all of the donations from the last few weeks for the Macomb Foster Closet, along with items purchased through our Thrive...