Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Apple Taste Test!
Friday, September 24, 2021
Indoor Recess and PLAY-DOH time!
All of this wet weather this week gave us a chance for our first indoor recess! We had fun with dancing and exercise on GoNoodle and followed up with fun playdoh time!
Changing the shape of wood - science time!
In science on Friday, we learned about changing the shape of wood! We didn’t use a chainsaw or a saw, as some students suggested. Instead, we used sandpaper! Each student had a chance to sand the edge of a block to see how the sandpaper wore away the sharp corner, and collected the sawdust as evidence in their science notebooks.
Monday, September 20, 2021
I apologize if your child came home dusty and dirty today, but we had a blast creating chalk art! We read a fun story called “Chalk” about 3 kids who go to a playground and their artwork comes to life! This fun wordless story shows how we can tell a story without reading words by ‘reading’ the pictures and using our imaginations!
Then we went outside to make our own chalk creations!
Thankfulness Drive
Today, we gathered all of the donations from the last few weeks for the Macomb Foster Closet, along with items purchased through our Thrive...

We had an exciting first day of kindergarten! It seems that there’s never quite enough time to fit it all in. We attended our first chapel,...
Today we took our first NWEA assessments of the year! These tests will be used to show growth over the course of the school year. Kindergart...
In Social Studies, we have begun our unit learning about ourselves and our place in our families and community. We are learning about the v...