Thursday, January 27, 2022

National Lutheran Schools Week - Olympics!

 On Thursday, January 27, Trinity students participated in our very own olympics! Each class represented a different country - kindergarten was the good ole’ USA. We had a blast ‘bobsledding’ (a gym mat placed on top of 2 scooters), ‘ice skating’ (on paper plate skates around the gym), playing table hockey, curling, ring toss, bingo, and even the biathlon! 

As we passed other classes in the hall while working our way to each station, we chanted “USA! USA!” The kids couldn’t believe I let them (and even encouraged!) be so loud in the hallway - it was a blast and such a silly, fun time!

Thankfulness Drive

 Today, we gathered all of the donations from the last few weeks for the Macomb Foster Closet, along with items purchased through our Thrive...