Today was T for Teddy Bear Picnic! We had fun writing about our teddy bears, reading a story with them, singing songs with them, marching in a teddy bear parade, and having a picnic outside with them! It was SO cute and fun!
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
Walkathon Day!
Postponing the walkathon was worth it. Today was a beautiful day! I hope your kids all had fun. We experienced a walkathon first (for me, anyway!) when Claire lost her tooth in the middle of the walking path, and I mean LITERALLY lost it! We were on our hands and knees to find it in the parking lot, but we were victorious!
If you haven’t heard, Trinity raised a record breaking amount this year - over $30,000! WOW!! Great job, everyone!
Here are some pics, although I didn’t take any at the end! It was a blast! Thank you to all of the parents who helped corral the kids. This was our first time having the after events outdoors, so it was a learning experience for sure!
Thankfulness Drive
Today, we gathered all of the donations from the last few weeks for the Macomb Foster Closet, along with items purchased through our Thrive...

We had an exciting first day of kindergarten! It seems that there’s never quite enough time to fit it all in. We attended our first chapel,...
Today we took our first NWEA assessments of the year! These tests will be used to show growth over the course of the school year. Kindergart...
In Social Studies, we have begun our unit learning about ourselves and our place in our families and community. We are learning about the v...