Wednesday, February 19, 2020


This morning, our kindergarteners hosted their first chapel! They did an amazing job. We shared every part of the service, from the Invocation to the Benediction. Each child presented their letter(s) of the alphabet of the Bible while I shared the verse! They did SO great speaking clearly into the microphone! I am so proud of them!

I obviously couldn’t take pictures, but Mr. Petzold and Mrs. Bender shared these with me:

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Happy 100th Day of School!

We celebrated being 100 days smarter today! We wrote about what we’d do when we are 100 (Answers varied from ‘I’ll be a Grandma’ to ‘I’ll be bald’ 😂), wrote about what we’d like 100 of, wrote numbers up to 100, and did 100 exercises! We wrapped up our day by making a necklace of 100 Froot Loops!

Thankfulness Drive

 Today, we gathered all of the donations from the last few weeks for the Macomb Foster Closet, along with items purchased through our Thrive...